Young Women’s Recruitment

Taken From about YWR

The purpose of the Committee on Young Women is to:

  • Produce and facilitate the Young Woman Representative (YWR) program for the LWML Convention.
  • Energize and mentor younger women to connect and grow in relationships as sisters in Christ.
  • Equip and encourage young women to become more involved in their congregation and the mission of the LWML.

Our Objectives

  •  Educate and inspire young women to strengthen their relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ.
  •  Establish a positive, joyful, and educational experience for the YWRs at the 2019 LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama.
  •  Encourage districts to continue incorporating their Young Women in Mission in local and district events.
  •  Provide ideas for YOUth in mission activities that encompass multiple generations.