Lincoln Zone
Fall Rally 2021
Lincoln Zone had their Fall Rally Thursday, September 23rd at Christ Lutheran Church, Mason City. We a great crowd of 43 attending. Rev. Josh Theilen, Director of Camp Cilca spoke on how LWML CID as helped Camp Cilca. Nancy Stremming, LWML CID Vice President of Christian Life, talked about different things on going in the District. Sharol Bolton, District Human Care Chairman talked about Orphan Grain Train coming to Immanuel Lutheran Church, Springfield, on October 23rd from 10 to 2. She always told us about the Servant Events that will be happening on Friday, April 29th at our LWML CID District Convention, April 29th with Saturday the 30th as the Convention. Offering received was $353.00 which goes to District Operating Fund. The Rally Ingathering went to Mason City Area Food Bank which the attendees were very generous by bringing 179 food and toiletries items and $460.00. It was a very enjoyable day with inspirational messages and laughter.
Fall Rally 2019
On September 26, 2019, the LWML CID Lincoln Zone held their 57th Annual Fall Rally. The Fall Rally was held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Manito, IL, with 58 people present. LWML CID Christian Life Chairman, Annie Guerrettaz, presented the topic on “Change is good. You go first.”
The presentation taught us that our societies need to consider the different generations we are trying to reach when we plan meetings. We should not be afraid of change and be willing to try new things to involve all women of our congregations. Each attempt is a learning experience, so keep trying and improving. ALWAYS stay focused on the mission of the LWML, which is to bring the lost and erring to Christ.
LWML CID President, Sheila Lutz brought news from the District, and LWML CID Sr. Pastoral Counselor Tim Hahn led us in a Bible Study.
The ingathering was for “With God’s Little Ones.” The LWML CID Lincoln Zone donated 240 pillowcase dresses, 248 eyeglass cases, 143 school bags, 87 backpacks, 23 bottles of children’s vitamins, 4 pkg. of underwear, and a monetary gift of $55.00.
Serving the Lord with Gladness. The LWML Societies of the Lincoln Zone showed their faith in 2019 by making 420 quilts as well as kits for school, personal care and babies that were shipped to Lutheran World Relief and Orphan Grain Train. May God be Praised!