Human Care
Human Care Event
Orphan Grain Train will have a truck at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Springfield on October 21 from 9:30-11:00. Check their website to find what to bring. Quilts and clothing may be in bags. Please mark on outside of bag or box the contents.
Human Care Ideas
The Orphan Grain Train warehouse in St. Louis could use help sorting and boxing supplies. Tuesdays from 8:00-12:00 is the best time to go. The address is 3415 Kraft Street in St. Louis. If you want to get a group together and go another day, you need to contact them first. They appreciate our help!
Little dresses can be brought to the collection on October 22 or bring them to Fall Rallies. I would like pictures of some of our dresses. Please send pictures to: Sharol Bolton, Human Care Chair at
I would like to display them at the District Convention next spring in Quincy. Thank you!